AI Chinese Names Generator & Meaning Explainer

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Popular Chinese Names

Popular Chinese Name 李阳

Pinyin Lǐ Yáng

Meaning Sunny

Li is a common surname, while Yang means sun or sunlight, suggesting brightness and positivity.

Popular Chinese Name 王芳

Pinyin Wáng Fāng

Meaning Fragrant

Wang is one of the most common surnames in China, and Fang means fragrant or virtuous, often used for girls.

Popular Chinese Name 张明

Pinyin Zhāng Míng

Meaning Bright

Zhang is a popular surname, and Ming means bright or clear, implying intelligence and clarity of thought.

Popular Chinese Name 刘洋

Pinyin Liú Yáng

Meaning Ocean

Liu is a common surname, and Yang here means ocean, suggesting breadth and depth of character.

Popular Chinese Name 陈静

Pinyin Chén Jìng

Meaning Quiet

Chen is a frequent surname, and Jing means quiet or peaceful, often chosen for its calming connotations.

Popular Chinese Name 黄伟

Pinyin Huáng Wěi

Meaning Great

Huang is a common surname meaning yellow, and Wei means great or extraordinary, suggesting impressive qualities.

Popular Chinese Name 杨秀英

Pinyin Yáng Xiùyīng

Meaning Elegant Hero

Yang is a common surname, Xiu means elegant, and Ying means hero or flower, creating a name that suggests refined strength.

Popular Chinese Name 周婷

Pinyin Zhōu Tíng

Meaning Graceful

Zhou is a common surname, and Ting means graceful or slender, often used for girls to convey beauty and elegance.

Ancient Chinese Names

Ancient Chinese Name 司马

Pinyin Sī Mǎ

Meaning In Charge of Horses

An ancient surname originating from an official title in charge of cavalry, famously borne by the historian Sima Qian.

Ancient Chinese Name 貂蝉

Pinyin Diāo Chán

Meaning Sable Cicada

A legendary beauty from the Three Kingdoms period, known for her role in political intrigue.

Ancient Chinese Name 诸葛亮

Pinyin Zhūgě Liàng

Meaning Liang of the Zhuge clan

A renowned strategist and statesman during the Three Kingdoms period, known for his wisdom and inventions.

Ancient Chinese Name 屈原

Pinyin Qū Yuán

Meaning Original Qu

A patriotic poet and minister from the Warring States period, known for his literary works and tragic loyalty.

Ancient Chinese Name 王羲之

Pinyin Wáng Xīzhī

Meaning Wang of Great Virtue

A famous calligrapher from the Eastern Jin Dynasty, often referred to as the 'Sage of Calligraphy'.

Ancient Chinese Name 武则天

Pinyin Wǔ Zétiān

Meaning Heaven's Law

The only female emperor in Chinese history, who ruled during the Tang Dynasty and established her own Zhou Dynasty.

Ancient Chinese Name 李白

Pinyin Lǐ Bái

Meaning White Li

A renowned poet of the Tang Dynasty, known for his romantic, imaginative verses and free-spirited lifestyle.

Ancient Chinese Name 花木兰

Pinyin Huā Mùlán

Meaning Magnolia

A legendary female warrior who disguised herself as a man to take her father's place in the army, symbol of filial piety and bravery.

Chinese Family Names (Surnames/Last Names)

Chinese Family Name


Meaning Plum

One of the most common surnames in China, historically associated with the ruling Tang Dynasty. It often implies a connection to nature.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Wáng

Meaning King

Another extremely common surname, literally meaning 'king' or 'monarch'. It suggests noble lineage.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Zhāng

Meaning To stretch

A very popular surname that originally referred to bowmakers. It's associated with craftsmanship and skill.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Liú

Meaning To kill

A common surname with ancient origins, possibly related to ancient sacrificial practices. It's associated with strength and decisiveness.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Chén

Meaning To exhibit

A widespread surname that originated from the state of Chen in ancient China. It often implies a sense of display or prominence.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Yáng

Meaning Poplar

A common surname that refers to the poplar tree. It suggests resilience and growth, much like the hardy poplar.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Huáng

Meaning Yellow

A popular surname that also means 'yellow', one of the five elemental colors in Chinese philosophy. It's associated with the earth and emperor.

Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Zhào

Meaning To surpass

A common surname with royal connotations, as it was the imperial surname of the Song Dynasty. It implies excellence and achievement.

Chinese Male Names

Chinese Male Name 志强

Pinyin Zhì Qiáng

Meaning Ambitious and Strong

A name that embodies strength and determination, often given to boys with the hope they will grow up to be resilient and successful.

Chinese Male Name 家豪

Pinyin Jiā Háo

Meaning Family Hero

This name suggests the wish for the child to bring honor and success to the family, combining 'family' (家) with 'heroic' or 'grand' (豪).

Chinese Male Name 文龙

Pinyin Wén Lóng

Meaning Cultured Dragon

Combines 'culture' or 'literature' (文) with 'dragon' (龙), symbolizing wisdom and power in Chinese culture.

Chinese Male Name 思远

Pinyin Sī Yuǎn

Meaning Thinking Far

Implies a person with foresight and the ability to think deeply about the future.

Chinese Male Name 建国

Pinyin Jiàn Guó

Meaning Building the Nation

A patriotic name often given to boys born around the founding of the People's Republic of China, expressing hope for the country's future.

Chinese Male Name 天宇

Pinyin Tiān Yǔ

Meaning Sky and Universe

Combines 'sky' or 'heaven' (天) with 'universe' (宇), suggesting boundless potential and grand aspirations.

Chinese Male Name 子明

Pinyin Zǐ Míng

Meaning Bright Child

The character 子 (zǐ) is often used in male names, combined with 明 (míng) meaning 'bright', hoping for a child with a bright future.

Chinese Male Name 雨泽

Pinyin Yǔ Zé

Meaning Rain and Blessing

Combines 'rain' (雨) with 'blessing' or 'moistening' (泽), implying nourishment and good fortune.

Chinese Female Names

Chinese Female Name 美玲

Pinyin Měi Líng

Meaning Beautiful and Graceful

A name that combines 'beauty' (美) with 'graceful' or 'delicate' (玲), often given to girls with the hope they will embody elegance and charm.

Chinese Female Name 静宜

Pinyin Jìng Yí

Meaning Quiet and Gentle

This name suggests a calm and gentle personality, with 'quiet' (静) and 'appropriate' or 'suitable' (宜) reflecting tranquility and kindness.

Chinese Female Name 芳华

Pinyin Fāng Huá

Meaning Fragrant Blossom

Combines 'fragrance' (芳) with 'blossom' or 'splendid' (华), symbolizing beauty and elegance in full bloom.

Chinese Female Name 雪儿

Pinyin Xuě Ér

Meaning Snow Child

Implying purity and freshness, this name combines 'snow' (雪) with 'child' (儿), often given to girls with the hope of a pure and bright future.

Chinese Female Name 涵蓉

Pinyin Hán Róng

Meaning Gentle Lotus

Combines 'contain' or 'embrace' (涵) with 'lotus' (蓉), symbolizing elegance and inner beauty like the lotus flower.

Chinese Female Name 怡然

Pinyin Yí Rán

Meaning Pleasant and Calm

This name suggests a person with a serene and pleasant demeanor, with 'pleasant' (怡) and 'calm' (然) reflecting peace and ease.

Chinese Female Name 晶莹

Pinyin Jīng Yīng

Meaning Bright and Lustrous

Combines 'crystal' or 'bright' (晶) with 'lustrous' or 'gleaming' (莹), often given to girls with the hope of a radiant and shining personality.

Chinese Female Name 梅花

Pinyin Méi Huā

Meaning Plum Blossom

Combines 'plum' (梅) with 'blossom' (花), symbolizing resilience and beauty, as the plum blossom is a symbol of perseverance and elegance.