Chinese Male Names 

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Typical Chinese Male Names

Typical Chinese Male Name 伟杰

Pinyin Wěi Jié

Meaning Great and Outstanding

This name combines 'great' (伟) with 'outstanding' (杰), symbolizing a person who is expected to achieve remarkable things.

Typical Chinese Male Name 鹏飞

Pinyin Péng Fēi

Meaning Soaring Roc

Named after the mythical roc bird, which soars high in the sky, this name suggests ambition and a lofty spirit.

Typical Chinese Male Name 俊熙

Pinyin Jùn Xī

Meaning Handsome and Radiant

Combines 'handsome' (俊) with 'radiant' (熙), indicating a person who is both physically attractive and has a bright disposition.

Typical Chinese Male Name 志豪

Pinyin Zhì Háo

Meaning Ambitious and Grand

The name reflects a combination of 'ambition' (志) and 'grand' (豪), representing a person with lofty goals and a noble character.

Typical Chinese Male Name 泽宇

Pinyin Zé Yǔ

Meaning Graceful and Universal

Combines 'grace' or 'benefit' (泽) with 'universe' (宇), suggesting a person who is both kind and has expansive potential.

Typical Chinese Male Name 安邦

Pinyin Ān Bāng

Meaning Peaceful and Secure

A name that combines 'peace' (安) with 'nation' (邦), expressing a wish for the person to bring stability and security.

Typical Chinese Male Name 浩然

Pinyin Hào Rán

Meaning Vast and Magnificent

The name combines 'vast' (浩) with 'magnificent' (然), symbolizing a person with a grand and noble spirit.

Typical Chinese Male Name 明辉

Pinyin Míng Huī

Meaning Bright and Radiant

Combines 'bright' (明) with 'radiant' (辉), indicating a person with a shining personality and a bright future.

Famous Chinese Male Names

Famous Chinese Male Name 周杰伦

Pinyin Zhōu Jiélún

Meaning Jay Chou

A highly influential Taiwanese singer, songwriter, and actor, known for his unique blend of Chinese and Western music styles and hit albums like 'Jay' and 'Fantasy.'

Famous Chinese Male Name 蔡徐坤

Pinyin Cài Xúkūn

Meaning Cai Xukun

A popular singer and actor, recognized for his role in the boy band Nine Percent and his successful solo music career with hits like 'Lover' and 'No Respect.'

Famous Chinese Male Name 肖战

Pinyin Xiāo Zhàn

Meaning Sean Xiao

An actor and singer renowned for his role in the popular drama 'The Untamed' and his work as a member of the boy band X玖少年团 (X-NINE).

Famous Chinese Male Name 杨洋

Pinyin Yáng Yáng

Meaning Yang Yang

A famous actor known for his roles in dramas like 'Love O2O' and 'The King's Avatar,' as well as his strong presence in the Chinese entertainment industry.

Famous Chinese Male Name 陈伟霆

Pinyin Chén Wěitīng

Meaning William Chan

A popular Hong Kong singer and actor known for his roles in television dramas and films, as well as his successful music career.

Famous Chinese Male Name 张艺兴

Pinyin Zhāng Yìxìng

Meaning Lay Zhang

A member of the K-pop group EXO and a successful solo artist, known for his music and acting career in China.

Famous Chinese Male Name 黄轩

Pinyin Huáng Xuān

Meaning Huang Xuan

An actor known for his roles in critically acclaimed dramas and films such as 'The Message' and 'Reset,' recognized for his powerful performances.

Famous Chinese Male Name 张杰

Pinyin Zhāng Jié

Meaning Jason Zhang

A prominent singer known for his powerful voice and hit songs in the Chinese music industry, as well as his numerous music awards.

Imperial Chinese Male Names

Imperial Chinese Male Name 秦始皇

Pinyin Qín Shǐhuáng

Meaning First Emperor of Qin

The first emperor of a unified China, known for his centralization of power and the construction of the Great Wall.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 汉武帝

Pinyin Hàn Wǔdì

Meaning Emperor Wu of Han

A powerful emperor of the Han Dynasty known for his military conquests and expansion of the empire.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 唐太宗

Pinyin Táng Tàizōng

Meaning Emperor Taizong of Tang

The second emperor of the Tang Dynasty, renowned for his military achievements and consolidation of power.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 宋仁宗

Pinyin Sòng Rénzōng

Meaning Emperor Renzong of Song

An emperor of the Song Dynasty known for his efforts in promoting culture and governance.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 明成祖

Pinyin Míng Chéngzǔ

Meaning Emperor Chengzu of Ming

The third emperor of the Ming Dynasty, known for his military campaigns and establishing Beijing as the capital.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 清乾隆

Pinyin Qīng Qiánlóng

Meaning Emperor Qianlong of Qing

An emperor of the Qing Dynasty noted for his long reign, cultural patronage, and military successes.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 康熙帝

Pinyin Kāngxī Dì

Meaning Emperor Kangxi

The fourth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, famous for his long reign and efforts to stabilize and expand the empire.

Imperial Chinese Male Name 雍正帝

Pinyin Yōngzhèng Dì

Meaning Emperor Yongzheng

The fifth emperor of the Qing Dynasty, known for his administrative reforms and efforts to strengthen central control.

Best Chinese Male Names

Best Chinese Male Name 俊杰

Pinyin Jùn Jié

Meaning Handsome and Outstanding

Combines 'handsome' (俊) with 'outstanding' (杰), symbolizing a person who is both attractive and exceptional in their achievements.

Best Chinese Male Name 博文

Pinyin Bó Wén

Meaning Erudite and Cultured

Combines 'broad' or 'extensive' (博) with 'literature' (文), indicating a person with extensive knowledge and cultural refinement.

Best Chinese Male Name 明轩

Pinyin Míng Xuān

Meaning Bright and Refined

Combines 'bright' (明) with 'refined' (轩), suggesting a person of elegance and clarity of thought.

Best Chinese Male Name 子轩

Pinyin Zǐ Xuān

Meaning Elegant and Refined

Combines 'son' (子) with 'elegant' or 'refined' (轩), suggesting a person of grace and dignity.

Best Chinese Male Name 泽宇

Pinyin Zé Yǔ

Meaning Graceful and Universal

Combines 'grace' or 'benefit' (泽) with 'universe' (宇), symbolizing a person who is both kind-hearted and possesses expansive potential.

Best Chinese Male Name 明哲

Pinyin Míng Zhé

Meaning Bright and Wise

Combines 'bright' (明) with 'wisdom' (哲), indicating a person who is both intelligent and insightful.

Best Chinese Male Name 志远

Pinyin Zhì Yuǎn

Meaning Ambitious and Far-reaching

Combines 'ambition' (志) with 'far-reaching' (远), suggesting a person with lofty goals and a vision for the future.

Best Chinese Male Name 天佑

Pinyin Tiān Yòu

Meaning Heaven's Blessing

Combines 'heaven' (天) with 'blessing' (佑), symbolizing divine favor and protection in one's life.

Fancy Chinese Male Names

Fancy Chinese Male Name 瑾瑜

Pinyin Jǐn Yú

Meaning Jade and Agate

Combines '瑾' (jade) with '瑜' (agate), symbolizing purity and preciousness, often used to denote a person of great value and elegance.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 宇轩

Pinyin Yǔ Xuān

Meaning Expansive and Refined

Combines '宇' (universe) with '轩' (refined), suggesting someone with broad horizons and a noble demeanor.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 俊朗

Pinyin Jùn Lǎng

Meaning Handsome and Bright

Combines '俊' (handsome) with '朗' (bright), indicating a person who is not only physically attractive but also has a bright and clear personality.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 辰逸

Pinyin Chén Yì

Meaning Celestial and Free

Combines '辰' (celestial) with '逸' (free or leisurely), suggesting a person with a lofty and relaxed nature, like the stars.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 宸希

Pinyin Chén Xī

Meaning Imperial and Hopeful

Combines '宸' (imperial or royal) with '希' (hope), representing a person with noble aspirations and hopeful ambitions.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 星阑

Pinyin Xīng Lán

Meaning Starry and Tranquil

Combines '星' (star) with '阑' (tranquil), symbolizing someone with a calm and serene demeanor, akin to the night sky filled with stars.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 烨华

Pinyin Yè Huá

Meaning Brilliant and Radiant

Combines '烨' (brilliant) with '华' (radiant or splendid), suggesting a person with a dazzling and impressive presence.

Fancy Chinese Male Name 凌云

Pinyin Líng Yún

Meaning Soaring Clouds

Combines '凌' (soar) with '云' (cloud), symbolizing someone with lofty ambitions and a high-reaching spirit, like the clouds in the sky.

Attractive Chinese Male Names

Attractive Chinese Male Name 风华

Pinyin Fēng Huá

Meaning Elegant and Graceful

Combines '风' (wind or style) with '华' (elegance or splendor), indicating a person with refined charm and sophistication.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 柏霖

Pinyin Bǎi Lín

Meaning Cypress and Rain

Combines '柏' (cypress) with '霖' (rain), suggesting a person who is steady and refreshing, with a natural and nurturing quality.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 星辰

Pinyin Xīng Chén

Meaning Stars and Morning

Combines '星' (stars) with '辰' (morning or time), symbolizing someone who is both inspirational and full of potential.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 俊凯

Pinyin Jùn Kǎi

Meaning Handsome and Victorious

Combines '俊' (handsome) with '凯' (victorious), suggesting a person who is not only attractive but also achieves success and triumph.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 泽楷

Pinyin Zé Kǎi

Meaning Graceful and Model

Combines '泽' (grace) with '楷' (model), indicating a person who is both elegant and exemplary, serving as a role model for others.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 承天

Pinyin Chéng Tiān

Meaning Heaven's Legacy

Combines '承' (inherit or accept) with '天' (heaven), symbolizing someone who is destined for greatness and carries a noble legacy.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 明辉

Pinyin Míng Huī

Meaning Bright and Radiant

Combines '明' (bright) with '辉' (radiant), suggesting a person with a shining personality and a bright future.

Attractive Chinese Male Name 浩宇

Pinyin Hào Yǔ

Meaning Vast Universe

Combines '浩' (vast) with '宇' (universe), symbolizing a person with boundless potential and expansive dreams.