Chinese Surnames (Family/Last Names) 

Explore Chinese Surnames (Family/Last Names) on  

Discover the origins, meanings, and cultural significance of popular and top Chinese surnames. 

Common Chinese Famliy Names

Common Chinese Family Name


Meaning Slow

A widely used surname, '徐' means 'slow' or 'gentle,' symbolizing a careful and steady approach. It reflects patience and thoughtfulness.

Common Chinese Family Name


Meaning What

A common surname meaning 'what' or 'harmonize.' It conveys a sense of curiosity and harmony, and it is associated with historical and cultural significance.

Common Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Pān

Meaning Pine

A prevalent surname, '潘' means 'pine,' symbolizing longevity and steadfastness, as pine trees are known for their resilience and enduring qualities.

Common Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Wèi

Meaning Great

A common surname meaning 'great' or 'powerful.' It reflects historical significance and a sense of grandeur, associated with influential figures in Chinese history.

Royal Chinese Surnames

Royal Chinese Surname

Pinyin Zhū

Meaning Ming Dynasty Imperial

'朱' (Zhu) is the surname of the Ming Dynasty emperors. The Ming Dynasty was known for its strong central rule and cultural achievements, making this surname a symbol of imperial heritage.

Royal Chinese Surname

Pinyin Cáo

Meaning Cao Wei Dynasty Rulers

'曹' (Cao) was the surname of the Cao family, including the emperors of Cao Wei during the Three Kingdoms period. This surname signifies a prominent historical and royal lineage.

Royal Chinese Surname 司徒

Pinyin Sītú

Meaning Han and Jin Dynasties Nobility

'司徒' (Situ) was a high-ranking title in ancient China and associated with prominent families in the Han and Jin Dynasties. This surname reflects historical nobility and influence.

Royal Chinese Surname 拓跋

Pinyin Tuòbá

Meaning Northern Wei Dynasty Royalty

'拓跋' (Tuoba) was the surname of the Northern Wei Dynasty's royal family. The Northern Wei Dynasty was an important period in Chinese history, and this surname signifies a significant royal lineage.

Uncommon Chinese Famliy Names

Uncommon Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Zǎi

Meaning To Slaughter

An uncommon surname that historically means 'to slaughter' or 'to manage.' It carries historical and cultural significance but is rarely used today.

Uncommon Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Zōu

Meaning Zou City

A relatively rare surname, '邹' refers to an ancient city and region in China, and is associated with historical and cultural heritage.

Uncommon Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Zhái

Meaning The Di Clan

An uncommon surname with historical roots, '翟' is associated with the Di clan and reflects an ancient lineage and tradition.

Uncommon Chinese Family Name

Pinyin Gǒu

Meaning Negligent

A rare surname that means 'negligent' or 'careless,' reflecting a unique cultural and historical background. It is not commonly found in modern China.

Famous Chinese Surnames

Famous Chinese Surname


Meaning Prominent Historical Figure

'苏' (Su) is a well-known Chinese surname with a rich historical and cultural background. It has been borne by many prominent figures in literature, politics, and academia.

Famous Chinese Surname

Pinyin Liáng

Meaning Cultural and Historical Legacy

'梁' (Liang) is a distinguished surname in China associated with influential figures in literature, history, and politics. The name carries a legacy of cultural and historical importance.

Famous Chinese Surname

Pinyin Zhèng

Meaning Longstanding Cultural Significance

'郑' (Zheng) is a prominent Chinese surname with a long history and cultural significance. It has been carried by many notable individuals in various fields, including politics, science, and the arts.

Famous Chinese Surname

Pinyin Gāo

Meaning Historical Achievements

'高' (Gao) is a notable Chinese surname linked with historical figures in various domains including literature, politics, and business. The name is associated with high achievements and recognition.

Fake Chinese Famliy Names

Fake Chinese Family Name 梁云

Pinyin Liáng Yún

Meaning Imaginary Cloud

A fictional surname combining '梁' (Liang) with '云' (cloud), suggesting an ethereal and imaginative origin.

Fake Chinese Family Name 冯岚

Pinyin Féng Lán

Meaning Imaginary Mist

A made-up surname combining '冯' (Feng) with '岚' (mist), evoking a sense of mystery and the natural world.

Fake Chinese Family Name 滕岩

Pinyin Téng Yán

Meaning Fictional Rock

A fictional surname combining '滕' (Teng) with '岩' (rock), symbolizing strength and stability.

Fake Chinese Family Name 鲍风

Pinyin Bào Fēng

Meaning Imaginary Wind

A made-up surname combining '鲍' (Bao) with '风' (wind), suggesting a dynamic and fleeting quality.

Beautiful Chinese Surnames

Beautiful Chinese Surname

Pinyin Qín

Meaning Historical Grandeur

'秦' (Qin) is a surname that carries historical elegance. It is associated with the Qin Dynasty, which unified China and has an aura of grandeur and historical beauty.

Beautiful Chinese Surname

Pinyin Shěn

Meaning Tranquil Depth

'沈' (Shen) is a surname that evokes a sense of depth and tranquility. Its association with historical families and its phonetic elegance make it a beautiful and graceful surname.

Beautiful Chinese Surname

Pinyin Méi

Meaning Plum Blossom Beauty

'梅' (Mei) means 'plum blossom,' a symbol of resilience and beauty in Chinese culture. It evokes an image of delicate elegance and enduring charm.

Beautiful Chinese Surname

Pinyin Duàn

Meaning Elegant Poise

'段' (Duan) is a surname that implies elegance and poise. It is linked to historical figures and dynastic roots, and its melodic sound and historical significance contribute to its beauty.

Long Chinese Last Names

Long Chinese Last Name 欧阳

Pinyin Ōuyáng

Meaning Noble Lineage

A traditional Chinese surname that combines '欧' (O) and '阳' (Yang), often associated with historical and noble lineage.

Long Chinese Last Name 司马

Pinyin Sīmǎ

Meaning Prominent Family

An ancient Chinese surname combining '司' (Si) and '马' (Ma), historically associated with the prominent Sima family.

Long Chinese Last Name 诸葛

Pinyin Zhūgě

Meaning Historical Renown

A distinguished Chinese surname made up of '诸' (Zhu) and '葛' (Ge), famously associated with historical figures like Zhuge Liang.

Long Chinese Last Name 东方

Pinyin Dōngfāng

Meaning Eastern Origin

A rare surname combining '东' (Dong) and '方' (Fang), symbolizing the East and direction.

Rare Chinese Surnames

Rare Chinese Surname

Pinyin Ruǎn

Meaning Distinctive Melody

'阮' (Ruan) is a rare surname with historical roots. It is associated with ancient families and has a distinctive, melodic sound, making it unique and uncommon.

Rare Chinese Surname


Meaning Historical Occupation

'屠' (Tu) is an uncommon surname with a historical background linked to ancient occupations. Its rarity and unique character make it stand out among Chinese surnames.

Rare Chinese Surname

Pinyin Mǐn

Meaning Ancient Heritage

'闵' (Min) is a rare surname found in historical records. It carries a sense of antiquity and is less common in modern times, adding to its uniqueness.

Rare Chinese Surname

Pinyin Gǒu

Meaning Unique Origins

'苟' (Gou) is a seldom-seen surname with ancient origins. Its rarity and distinctive appearance make it a unique choice among Chinese surnames.

Meaningful Chinese Last Names

Meaningful Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Jiāng

Meaning Resilient Heritage

'姜' (Jiang) means 'ginger,' symbolizing resilience and robustness. It reflects a strong heritage and historical significance.

Meaningful Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Liǔ

Meaning Graceful Flexibility

'柳' (Liu) means 'willow,' symbolizing grace and flexibility. The willow is admired for its elegance and adaptability, making this surname meaningful and poetic.

Meaningful Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Dèng

Meaning Ambition and Progress

'邓' (Deng) is a surname that implies 'to climb' or 'ascend.' It represents ambition and progress, reflecting a family history of striving and achievement.

Meaningful Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Zhōng

Meaning Cultural Resonance

'钟' (Zhong) means 'bell,' symbolizing clarity and resonance. The bell is associated with significance and authority, representing a surname with cultural depth and historical importance.

Rarest Chinese Surnames

Rarest Chinese Surname 令狐

Pinyin Lìnghú

Meaning Unique Lineage

'令狐' (Linghu) is an extremely rare surname with historical significance. It has ancient roots and is associated with a unique lineage in Chinese history, reflecting its scarcity.

Rarest Chinese Surname

Pinyin Diāo

Meaning Uncommon Heritage

'刁' (Diao) is an uncommon surname in contemporary China. It has historical roots and is associated with a small number of families, reflecting its rarity.

Rarest Chinese Surname

Pinyin Qiú

Meaning Historical Significance

'仇' (Qiu) is a rare surname with historical significance. It means 'revenge' or 'enmity,' and is associated with a unique cultural heritage in Chinese history.

Rarest Chinese Surname

Pinyin Cháo

Meaning Historical Lineage

'晁' (Chao) is a very rare surname, found infrequently in modern China. It has historical roots and is associated with a specific lineage and historical context.

Unique Chinese Last Names

Unique Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Wén

Meaning Heard or Known

'闻' (Wen) means 'to hear' or 'to be known.' It is a relatively rare surname, often associated with historical and cultural significance.

Unique Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Zhēn

Meaning Discernment

'甄' (Zhen) means 'to discern' or 'to distinguish.' It is an uncommon surname with a rich historical background, linked to noble families and historical figures.

Unique Chinese Last Name

Pinyin Miào

Meaning Entangled or Knotted

'缪' (Miao) is a rare surname meaning 'to entangle' or 'to knot.' It is unique and less common in contemporary China, often associated with historical texts.

Unique Chinese Last Name


Meaning Admiration or Yearning

'慕' (Mu) means 'to admire' or 'to yearn for.' It is a distinctive surname with less frequent use, reflecting admiration and respect in its cultural context.

Traditional Chinese Surnames

Traditional Chinese Surname

Pinyin Zhōu

Meaning Historical Dynasty

'周' (Zhou) is a traditional Chinese surname with significant historical importance, associated with the Zhou Dynasty and influential cultural contributions.

Traditional Chinese Surname

Pinyin Qián

Meaning Wealth Symbol

'钱' (Qian) is a traditional surname meaning 'money' or 'wealth.' It has historical roots and is associated with various cultural and historical contributions.

Traditional Chinese Surname

Pinyin Sūn

Meaning Ancestral Legacy

'孙' (Sun) is a traditional surname with deep historical significance, linked to prominent historical figures and cultural heritage throughout Chinese history.

Traditional Chinese Surname


Meaning Ancient State

'吴' (Wu) is a traditional Chinese surname with a long history, associated with the ancient state of Wu and notable historical and cultural contributions.